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You’ve all been there. You had an amazing workout and you go home feeling accomplished. The next morning you wake up and you can’t move. Every muscle in your body is aching and even hurts to think. You had every intention of getting up and going to the gym, but now you’re contemplating, Hmm, should I stay in bed and rest for recovery? Or should I just get up, man up and go to the gym? 

This video is going to help you answer that question. So when this happens to you and it will. You’ll know exactly what to do.

Today’s Topic:

Muscle soreness, What is it? Why does it happen? How can I combat it?and is being sore a gauge on whether or not I had a good workout? 

What is muscle soreness?

Muscle soreness is a side effect of the stress put on the muscles. When you’re working out, when you’re training, when you’re exercising that’s most prevalent in the beginning stages of a workout program. Especially when you’re new to working out or haven’t worked out in a while. You’re asking your muscles to do things they haven’t done before or in along time.

What can I do to keep from getting too sore?

That’s a question I hear a lot. While you can never escape muscle soreness, especially if want to be bigger, faster and stronger. It’s not going to happen, but there are a few things you can do to limit it:

– A proper warm up

– foam rolling

– A complete and proper cool down

– A full body stretch after your workout

– Staying hydrated

– Eat anti-inflammatory foods such as salmon, broccoli, berries, avocados, tumeric, but my all time favorite dark chocolate.

Is being sore a gauge of whether or not you had good workout?

In short, no. You do not have to kill yourself during every workout and just because you’re sore doesn’t mean you had a great workout. Sometimes too much soreness can be a case of overtraining, doing too much, going on too hard, too quickly. Overtraining can result in a performance decline and limit all your results. Yes, you want to push yourself and give it your all, but you don’t have to max out every day. You don’t want to do hit training every day. You gotta work smart.

When was the last time you killed your muscles in a workout?

Let us know in the comments below. Now that you’re up to speed on muscle soreness, what it is and how you can ease it. How about a new seven day workout plan? Download my pregame gym guide to conquering anxiety and dominating your workout. Click the link below.

 Also, if you want to join a community of people just like you, a group of like minded people looking to change their bodies from the inside out. Come join us in my new Facebook group Body Reboot with Elmer Hickman.

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 Plus get a 7-day workout plan to jumpstart your exercise routine.